PICA Things We Love | Japanese Design Pop Art Print Illustrations and Poster Quotes

Happy, Happy, Happy ‪New Year!


明けましておめでとう! С Новым Годом! 新年快乐! Happy New Year! to all corners of the world.

While sending the old year away with all the festive glory it deserves, we are welcoming the new year with new wishes and goals aplenty.

So as the clock strikes 12…

May this year be glorious, prosperous and full of cheer for you, for us, and everyone else under the sun!

From our family to yours with love.


Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our post on the art of celebrating New Year in Japan here:


Oshogatsu, the New Year in Japan

New Year in Japan all about the food, the family, and New Year fortune. And in truly Japanese way, it is also curiously unique.