PICA Things We Love | Japanese Design Pop Art Print Illustrations and Poster Quotes

Happy International Women’s Day!


Celebrating all the mothers, daughters, sisters, girlfriends, inspirational role models, and dreamers out there! The world just wouldn’t be the same without the XX chromosome. So be bold, daring, and awesome as nature intended us to be. Happy Women’s Day! Everyday.

The Dog is out! 新年快乐! 恭喜发财!


Happy Chinese New Year! A year of rolling in the coins!

Today we are ringing in the year of the Earth Dog. This forever loyal companion urges us to be proactive and work hard this year. And as earth gives us metal, this year will hound us the well deserved wealth.

So this year go out there, do your best, and reap the shiny round rewards! 恭喜发财! (Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái! Wishing you a prosperous New Year!)

New Prints! Samurai Prints to Celebrate Bushido, the Way of the Warrior

Japanese Culture, PICA WorksAlyonaComment

Today we are revealing our new colourful pair print edition featuring our cute but fearsome samurai warriors in a brand new PICA Pop Art colour scheme. Samurai is perhaps one of the most widely known Japanese cultural icons that has encompassed history spanning the greater portion of the last millennium. The warrior class—easily recognised by their ornate armour that has inspired many creative works of our modern pop culture, including the notorious Darth Vader gear ensemble—has long been the object of fear for their outwardly look and reverence for their historically renowned code of ethics known as Bushido (武士道, bushidou).

Our samurai prints featuring the kabuto (兜) helmet, the iconic part of the peculiar yet very versatile and practical samurai armour, boast the severity and genius behind the design meets function at its core. The entire attire was designed to allow its wearer a full range of mobility while protecting and shielding the body from enemy impact at all angles. The samurai gear has long since then become an inspiration to our modern battlefield wear, where the samurai code of ethics has left a much bigger cultural mark on our understanding of the true meaning behind the word ‘chivalry’.

Japanese traditional full armor

Japanese traditional full armor

But first, what is a samurai?
Samurai (侍), also known as 武士 (bushi, warrior; samurai), were the warrior class of the feudal Japan. Beginning in history as provincial warriors and rising to power in the 12th century as Japan’s first military dictatorship, the shogunate (将軍職, shougun-shoku), samurai dominance continued all throughout the history until the Meiji Restoration (明治維新, meiji ishin) of 1868 due to the abolition of the feudal system.

The samurai character 侍 in Japanese, meaning ‘to serve’ or ‘the one who serves’, referred to the Imperial Court guards at that time that were of noble birth and comprised the highest ranking social caste. They were a military class of well trained and well learned warriors, who believed in chivalry and lived by the guide of the unspoken code of ethics or moral principles, known as Bushido (武士道, bushidou): “the way of the warrior” or “precepts of knighthood”. At its source were the teachings and practices of Buddhism and Shintoism as well as the ethical doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. Loyalty to the sovereign, respect, self-discipline, ethics, and trust in fate are just a handful of dominant traits adhered to by the samurai warriors of the time. The Bushido code set a moral standard for the rest of the living in the feudal Japan era, guiding them by virtue of example of the samurai. This makes Bushido the core source of the moral code in the premodern Japan.

Samurai of the Chosyu clan, during the Boshin War period (1860s)

Samurai of the Chosyu clan, during the Boshin War period (1860s)

So let’s look at the moral teachings of the samurai ethics code to live by today.
The Bushido code is believed to be comprised of the eight virtues that had long become the core of ethics and chivalry in premodern Japan. Not all samurai of course would live up to follow them, but the true esteemed warrior that was celebrated and revered with utmost respect by the society of that time would become the epitome of what chivalry means to us today.

01 | Rectitude or Justice (義)

義 (gi) or righteousness is perhaps the strongest virtue of the Bushido code. It is the power of being able to resolve to the true course of action based on one’s reason without wavering. It is to understand that the resolved action should only be made with true purpose and at the right time. “To die when to die is right, to strike when to strike is right.” Rectitude is the foundation or the skeleton of the Bushido structure. Without rectitude the status in becoming a true samurai character can never be obtained, regardless of how much learning or talent one was able to acquire in the process.

02 | Courage (勇)

勇 (yuu) or heroic courage is not simply being fearless, but being fearless in doing what is right. Doing what is right in itself is to have courage. A truly brave man is calm in the midst of calamity. He is never taken by surprise. He is able to distinguish the true course of action through his sound reasoning and true righteousness without hesitation, regardless of the consequences.

03 | Benevolence (仁)

仁 (jin) or benevolence, compassion is one of the Bushido virtues taking its roots from the Confucian teachings. A warrior possessing the power to command or to kill should also exhibit an immense ability for compassion. To be benevolent is to be mindful of others’ suffering, and to show mercy where mercy is needed. It is to bear sympathy, magnanimity, and love for the living; making benevolence the highest attribute of the human soul.

04 | Politeness (礼)

礼 (rei) or politeness, respect, etiquette is at the core of the social ethics in premodern Japan, also known as courtesy that is prevalent in its society to this day. Politeness through Bushido, though, is not just an empty shell of actions that are meant to make one seem respectful or courteous. Rooted in benevolence, it should only come of the regard for the feelings of others. Thus, in Bushido politeness in itself is nurtured in compassion and is a graceful expression of sympathy.

05 | Sincerity and Honesty (誠)

誠 (makoto) or sincerity, honesty, integrity, without which politeness, the fourth virtue, would only be an empty shell of socially acceptable actions. The word of the samurai—武士の一言 (bushi no ichi-gon)—had so much weight at that time that it was deemed beneath one’s dignity for it to be voweded upon or put down in writing. The true samurai of the Bushido ways failing to follow up on their word would view it as derogatory to their honour. Lying in itself was not regarded as a sin, but instead as a weakness, and thus highly dishonourable.

Bushido ethics of honesty and sincerity, however, had failed in attempts to be applied in business matters. Wealth itself could not be associated in the ways of honour. Subsequently money was seen as an object of menace to manhood, and even children of high-ranking samurai were raised to show ignorance of the value of coin. Money was thus to be ignored, making the warrior free of the evils where money was root.

Kabuki actors dressed like samurai. Hand-coloured photograph around 1880.

Kabuki actors dressed like samurai. Hand-coloured photograph around 1880.

06 | Honour (名誉)

名誉 (meiyo) or honour was in a way a cornerstone of the warrior’s reputation. It was believed that a true samurai would strive to attain a good name for himself by closely following the Bushido ways of the warrior. Life itself was considered worthless if honour and good name were not bestowed upon the samurai in its course. The fear of disgrace kept the samurai in check. Often the only way one could regain one’s lost honour is by the means of self-destruction that had to be carried out with utmost composure and coolness of temper.

07 | The Duty of Loyalty (忠義)

忠義 (chuugi) or loyalty, instilled by the Shinto doctrines, governed the principle function of the samurai; that is namely their duty to the sovereign. The duty of the samurai was to serve the Imperial Court, and put their loyalty towards their master even above that of their family. The duty of loyalty, however, is only a virtue in correlation with honour, the sixth precept. As a samurai, one just does not blindly follow one’s master. If the path before the warrior is righteously wrong, a true samurai is willing to convince his master in his wrongdoing, even at the cost of his own life.

08 | Self-Control (克己)

克己 (kokki) or self-control would become the main building block in the character-building of the samurai. Bushido instills the moral teachings of ethics and chivalry as the core of the samurai behavior. With having the ability to yield power and pass judgement, one must also have had to learn to keep oneself in check. A true samurai would never show his emotions on his face. The most natural affections were kept under control. Thus, for the samurai to have self-control is to be level-headed at all times, never having one’s emotion affect his judgement.

These are the eight virtues of the samurai as originally interpreted in the book entitled Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Nitobe Inazo, first published at the dawn of the 20th century. Aside from the eight virtues as inscribed above, others less dominant yet equally influential were wisdom (智, chi), filial piety (孝, kou), and fraternity (悌, tei). Wisdom in particular was important as it was believed that a true warrior had to be well-versed in teachings of diverse facets of moral knowledge.

Bushido was a creation of the premodern Japan. But is it still present in the context of its modern society? Some might say that some of the values have long been forgotten and moved aside for the modernization of Japan towards industrialization and capitalism. Despite all that perhaps all of us can find something endearing within these virtues, and perhaps reintroduce them into our own moral code of ethics. Samurai were the epitome of chivalry in Japan at that time. Maybe it is time to bring the way of the samurai back, as I think we could all agree that we all could use a little bit more chivalry in our daily lives today.

Click here to shop our PICA Samurai prints. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Happy, Happy, Happy ‪New Year!


明けましておめでとう! С Новым Годом! 新年快乐! Happy New Year! to all corners of the world.

While sending the old year away with all the festive glory it deserves, we are welcoming the new year with new wishes and goals aplenty.

So as the clock strikes 12…

May this year be glorious, prosperous and full of cheer for you, for us, and everyone else under the sun!

From our family to yours with love.


Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our post on the art of celebrating New Year in Japan here:


Oshogatsu, the New Year in Japan

New Year in Japan all about the food, the family, and New Year fortune. And in truly Japanese way, it is also curiously unique.

Happy Holidays! Happy Unwrappings!


It’s that time of the year again! The smell of baked goodies filling the house. The bright cheery decorations adorning every nook and cranny, floor to ceiling. That festive music playlist you finally feel in the mood to listen to. The good ol’ films about giving, love, and a bit of mischief. Yes, it’s finally here! The grandest jolly merrymaking time!

And in the spirit of the season, from our PICA family to yours, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Unwrappings! We are forever grateful for all your love and support this year. Hoping that everything you wished for came, and in a nice pretty package to boot. And if you are like us and do the unwrappings with the New Year chimes, the fun is yet to come!

Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our post on the peculiarities of celebrating Christmas in the land of wa (和), here:


Merry Christmas! in Japan

We all know and love the spirit of Christmas in the West. But what about Japan? Does Japan celebrate Christmas? And if so, is it all the same as the one back home?

Our Happy PICA Birthday! We are turning 3!

Thoughts, PICA NewsAlyonaComment

Today marks three years since we launched our first set of bright Pop Art prints into the world! And this year, our third, was definitely a very busy year for us. Settling down in a new place, let alone in a new country, has kept our days full with lots to do. Busy putting down the much needed foundation for a forthcoming creative new year. As I am typing this we already have a pair of new prints underway in their final stages of brand new colour scheme development for us to kick off the new PICA year on a creative note. *Spoiler alert* This time we are taking a new direction and going a bit more historical, channelling the upright warrior nerd in all of us. *End spoiler* 

Ambitions aside, we are very excited to have made it into our 3rd year of our artistic endeavour, and endlessly thankful for all the support and feedback we have received from you! We are hopeful and eager to grow our toddler enterprise into something big one day, to continue to spread and share our love for colour and Japanese culture with the rest of the world. Because at PICA we believe that everyone should have a dash of happiness on their walls!

*making a wish and releasing the balloons*  ゝ(▽`*ゝ)

Kingyo, Our Newest Summer Collection Print!

Japanese Culture, PICA WorksAlyonaComment

This year to commemorate the summer coming to an end we are pleased to announce that we have a new addition to our summer-themed print collection. This aquatic blue baby is our nod to one of the most easily recognisable summer symbols in Japan—Kingyo (金魚).

Kingyo is Japanese for goldfish, with the kanji characters 金 (kin) standing for ‘gold’ and 魚 (gyo) for ‘fish’. But there is more to it than meets the eye. The characters are taken directly from Chinese, where 金 (jīn) correspondingly means ‘gold’ and 鱼 (yú) ‘fish’. Here 鱼 (yú) is also a homophone to 余 (yú) of ‘surplus’ or ‘in excess of’, making 金魚 also carry quite an auspicious significance.

Kingyo print yukata (summer kimono) from Furifu (ふりふ)

Kingyo print yukata (summer kimono) from Furifu (ふりふ)

Kingyo come in a variety of colours of white, blue, red and shimmering gold. The latter two are most synonymous with goldfish and contribute to the perception of ‘summer colours’ or 夏色 (natsu iro) in Japan. Thus, when it comes to the summer related products here, kingyo is often chosen as the main adornment on anything from yukata to windchimes, uchiwa, traditional wallets and summer toys, to name a few.

Kingyo. Photo by Chieko Uemura.

Kingyo. Photo by Chieko Uemura.

Being a member of the carp family, kingyo is a close relative to koi (鯉), yet easily distinguished by the lack of whiskers or barbels. Over time kingyo have been bred to obtain different colours and colour combinations, body shapes, and features. Wakin (和金) is one of the most prevailing kingyo kind today, closely resembling koi in its shape and red-white colouring of scales.

Despite the common misconception, kingyo or goldfish is an intelligent animal with excellent eyesight in perception of 100 million colours (one hundred times more than human) as well as learning skills that allow them to recall and distinguish between different people, and with active encouragement even master nifty tricks. With proper care goldfish is known to live for decades, which makes it for a great aquatic long-term companion for us.

Raising a goldfish to its full potential requires a suitable environment that is often mistaken for a fishbowl. In reality, a fish bowl is the worst place one can attempt to keep a goldfish in. Goldfish require lots of space to move around in, in a well-filtered, high oxygen enriched water habitat. The misconception of using fish bowls as adequate goldfish housing might have originated from China using fishbowls as temporary display vessels. Historically Chinese raised goldfish in ponds, and would only move them briefly into small fish bowls to be admired by their visitors and guests.

Kingyo in the pond. Photo by Zamboni.

Kingyo in the pond. Photo by Zamboni.

Where did this golden creature come from?
Goldfish first became domesticated and selectively bred into the kind that we know and love today around 10th century China. Prior to that goldfish was raised primarily for food purposes. It wasn’t introduced to Japan until 1603 in Edo era (江戸時代, Edo jidai, between 1603 and 1868). By the end of the Edo era kingyo was available to everyone and consequently lost its previously appointed status of wealth and sophistication. It was around this time, at the turn of the 19th century, when kingyo became the lead character in the game that would since become the highlight of the summer matsuri (祭, festival) culture in Japan.

Goldfish scooping at Nezu Jinja Shikyousai. Photo by kisaxdots.

Goldfish scooping at Nezu Jinja Shikyousai. Photo by kisaxdots.

Kingyo Sukui
Kingyo Sukui (金魚すくい or 金魚掬い) is a traditional goldfish scooping game that largely became associated with the summer matsuri stalls in the Taisho period (大正時代, Taishou jidai, between 1912 and 1926). Here the participants would try to fish out kingyo from a large water basin into a bowl with nothing but a rice paper scooper. However, this is easier said than done. The paper scooper breaks easily and the fish is often too quick to catch, requiring perfect timing for successful scooping. (These days you can also often find bouncy balls replacing the fish.) If you do succeed though, you get to take that goldfish home. To this day the game remains to be popular equally with adults as with kids.


Our Kingyo print celebrates this long history of kingyo as this splashy symbol of summer in Japan. The colours featured are also known to be the ‘colours of the summer’ or as previously mentioned 夏色 (natsu iro), depicted in kanji characters at the lower left corner of the artwork. Together with the Windchime Watermelon and the Katori Buta Incense prints, it makes for a triple-print Japanese summer print collection that assures the spirit of summer will live in your home all year long.

Click here to shop our PICA Kingyo print. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

10 Things We Love about Tokyo DisneySea

Photo Journey, ThoughtsAlyonaComment

Japanese love Disney and Disney products, so when it comes to their version of the Happiest Place on earth, it is a game-changer. If this is your second trip to Tokyo, then the DisneySea park is an irrefutable must-see. And plan for the whole day, because you need the entire day to truly experience all the wonders it has to offer.

Word of advice: get up early! I am not a morning person, but for DisneySea I get up before the sun is up to try to make it right for the opening. It gives me a chance for a shot at the fastpass for my top favourite rides. Japanese take their fastpass game seriously, and some of the most popular rides close their fastpass booths in just mere 15 minutes!

So what’s so special about DisneySea? Isn’t it just like any other Disney theme park? Well, yes and no. And here is why this one is special to us.

1. A getaway from Tokyo

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Tokyo. But sometimes, for a day, I want to escape to somewhere different, somewhere brimming with excitement. Don’t we all? And DisneySea does that best. It is a true theme park that lives up to its name. It is not just about the attractions, but also the experience. The minute you disembark the Disney Resort Line (a themed monorail train connecting the Disney theme parks and hotels in the area) you are automatically transported into a world of imagination, discovery, and adventure. But don’t take my word for it, come and see for yourself. (=^▽^)σ


So what makes it so special in comparison to other Disneyland parks, you ask? Well, for starters, it is not your typical Disney theme park as it doesn’t feature any of the iconic Disney fairy tale castles. Instead what greets you is a majestic Mt. Prometheus, an erupting volcano, ready to go off at every hour. This is quite fitting, as DisneySea is all about the adventure—bringing you to the spectacular nautical corners of the world: Mediterranean Harbor, American Waterfront, Port Discovery, Lost River Delta, Arabian Coast, Mermaid Lagoon, and last but definitely not least ...


2. Mysterious Island

Hidden and isolated within the towering Mt. Prometheus rock walls, Mysterious Island is a magnificent tribute to the classic Jules Verne’s adventure novels. Set in the futuristic 19th century setting, this part of the park is a true steampunk heaven, transporting you into the age of new discovery and exploration. The design elements in the details are stunning and awe-inspiring. Situated on what seems to be a man-made construction above the sea within the volcano, Mysterious Island is ready to take you on the adventures of exploring the earth’s core and the deepest depths of the sea. Take an excursion on the Journey to the Center of the Earth or the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea—two of some of the best and unique rides that Disney park has to offer.


Click to view the Mysterious Island panoramic shot.


3. Photographers’ playground

The DisneySea theme park’s architectural design is beyond beautiful. It’s iconic, vibrant, magical structures against the backdrop of the shimmering water canals and colourful cast members alongside park’s personnel in character uniform are what brings the magic to this park. It’s all in the details. Even the dustbins are a work of art! And if you love photography, DisneySea gives you a hella playground to play in!

Mediterranean Harbor

Mediterranean Harbor

American Waterfront is filled with the passion of the roaring 20s. The details in the grunge meets glamour architecture, the energetic atmosphere, the colourful early century rolling motor vehicles, and even the 20th-style department store decor inside the souvenir shops—everything transports you back in time.


Arabian Coast’s magical rooftops, narrow streets, and colourful persona gives you a sense of an exotic backpacking adventure in a land of stories as old as time.


4. A place to chill

The DisneySea, in comparison to other Disney parks, has a laid-back sort of vibe. It feels like a place where you can slow down, chill out, and simply enjoy the scenery. There are times when we visit and only go on one or two rides, yet it never feels like we are missing out. Coming here even if just to enjoy the scenery and good food is more than enough and absolutely worth it.

An occasional yukata on hot summer's day.

5. For adults and couples

Speaking of food and chilling out, did you know they have beer and other alcoholic beverages in the park? Between the two Tokyo Disney parks, DisneySea is definitely geared more towards adults and couples. There are of course kids present, but in comparison to Tokyo Disneyland, there are not a lot of them here. So if you feel like you might be too old for a theme park, don’t fret as DisneySea seems to have been designed with the mature audience in mind.


6. Quirky fashion trend

On our recent trip to DisneySea this month there seemed to be a new fashion memo that unfortunately we didn’t get. It seemed like most of the couples and even groups of friends were all dressed in matching outfits! No, I am not talking about matching Disney t-shirts that you can buy at a gift shop and put on to blend in. I am talking about full on matching clothing. There’d be pairs, groups of three or five, couples, and double dates all dressed in matching clothing. All-girl groups, I am sure, had an easier time coordinating. However, my favourite ones were the couples and their creative ways to match each other’s ensembles. At first I wasn’t sure about this fashion movement, but as the day went on I found something intriguing about it, and even began to feel left out. Well, there is always next time.

Here is a well matched couple.

Here is a well matched couple.


7. Snack game

Let’s just say snacking in DisneySea is what it’s all about. Their snack game, or specifically popcorn game, is crazy good! From the moment we stepped onto the park’s grounds till the end of the day I had a popcorn cup in my hand. Can you blame me? There are caramel, chocolate, white chocolate, salt, and my favourite black pepper and curry flavours, to name a few! Oh, and don’t forget that there are also special seasonal limited edition flavours throughout the year.


Other than popcorn, you’ll be sure to find churros, mountains of ice cream, smoked spicy chicken, smoked turkey legs, and other classic street food scrumptiousness.


This was my highlight drink of the day: the sparkling mango juice with tapioca and jello. Not one bubble out of place! I would go back in a heartbeat just to have it again!

Tower of Terror

Tower of Terror

8. Attractions for all ages

There is literally something for everyone! I, myself, am not much of a roller-coaster gal. And having acrophobia often leaves me left out at attraction parks. Not here though! Here there are great attractions for all ages, heights, and fears (or lack of them). If you are a thrill seeker, then the Tower of Terror, Raging Spirits, and Journey to the Center of the Earth are for you. And if you are like me, who loves the excitement of a fast ride, but without the free-falling aspect, then try the Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull or the Toy Story Mania!, which is just plain old-fashioned fun! For the little ones, Mermaid Lagoon is packed with smaller kid-friendly rides. But don’t worry, there are plenty of adults like myself who are more than happy to stand in line to ride the Whirlpool—the Little Mermaid themed classic teacup ride.

Toy Story Mania! in Toyville Trolley Park


Port Discovery

A heavenly cooling mist on a hot summer's day.

A heavenly cooling mist on a hot summer's day.



Warning: You do get wet!

Warning: You do get wet!

Mermaid Lagoon

The Whirlpool

The Whirlpool


9. Parades and the spectacular night show

I’ve never seen anyone save a spot for a parade hours before it was happening at a theme park, except in Tokyo Disney parks. And I can see why. The parades here are beautiful and awesome. And if you stay till the end of the day, there is the Fantasmic! nighttime light show on the water, and a grand fireworks display to round off the day.

Pirates Summer Battle "Get Wet!"

Literally pouring water over the audience.

Literally pouring water over the audience.


10. Souvenir paradise

If you are into shopping, or maybe just browsing the store merchandise, DisneySea will not leave you disappointed. Japanese take consumerism seriously. And it is not a surprise that at DisneySea they are truly great at it. Here you’ll find an amazing collection of some of the best Disney merchandise I have ever seen. Some are unique, beautiful, and eclectic. And some are sold exclusively only at a handful of Disney theme park stores around the world. Yes, I am talking about Duffy, the Disney Bear, and it’s recently added new friends. Or my personal favourite, Disney themed Tomica cars. There are Disney stores around Tokyo, but most of the time the merchandise sold at the park is exclusive to the park. So if you like something, know that you might not find it again after you leave the DisneySea grounds.


Final word: It was an extremely hot sunny day. But thankfully being located at Tokyo Bay, at times it was also quite pleasantly windy. Yours truly.

Trying to keep the wind from messing with my hair.

Trying to keep the wind from messing with my hair.

Almost got it. I think...

Almost got it. I think...

Happy Women's Day!


To all my fellow girls out there: I raise a glass in celebration of all that makes us unique, special, and simply amazing; to making the world strong, beautiful, and exceptional since the dawn of humanity! Cheers!

New Year’s Visit to Yokohama’s Chinatown

Photo JourneyAlyona1 Comment

The first day of this year’s Spring Festival fell on a Saturday, flooding Yokohama’s Chinatown—Japan and Asia’s largest—with a sea of people. On this warm, sunny weekend many came out here in hopes of observing the lion dance, an auspicious traditional custom that brings luck and prosperity to its benefactors.

We have seen plenty of lion dances in Toronto’s Pacific Mall, where the crowd always seemed manageable. We weren’t prepared for this though. People flooded the streets. And despite the audible rhythmic beats hinting that a lion dance was going on right around the corner, there was no way to see or come close to it. Patiently waiting, we stayed put, enduring the pushing and pulling of the crowd in order to be able to snap a couple of shots of the lion’s head. I was beginning to feel like a real paparazzi here.

This is the first time I really envied the fellow avid photographers, who came prepared with an extendable tripod allowing them to observe and record everything from above. After what seemed like forever, my hands were starting to give in, and I finally began to feel the full weight of my SLR. At this point I noticed that whenever the lion’s head became slightly visible, smartphones bloomed above heads. This is when I knew it was my cue to prop my camera up as high as I could above everyone. However, my height being somewhat average here mostly got me some artsy photos of cellphone screens.

I did get that lion at last! A testament to endurance and will!

Behind us we suddenly heard an extraordinarily loud popping as the air began to fill with smoke. It took me a minute to realize what just happened. Firecrackers! It might sound childish, but it was so cool! Come to think of it, it was the first time I saw firecrackers live. At that moment I truly felt like a kid.

Hungry from excitement, endurance, and perhaps a very light breakfast, we beelined to a shop right nearby specializing in fried xiaolongbao or shouronpou (小籠包) as it is pronounced in Japanese. Fried xiaolongbao is somewhat a popular delicacy here, with many shops competing for customer patronage. The closest one claiming to be number one and well loved by TV programs looking for best eats around the town was our first victim. Famished and nostalgic for the meaty dumpling soup goodness, we got ourselves the nikuman (肉まん, meat buns or bao) and sesame covered fried xiaolongbao. The result was heavenly.

Heading back outside we heard the music again. The crowd thickened. This is when we knew that we got a second chance at catching the lion. And this time we were right in the middle of it happening.

Success! The lion in all its full-bodied beauty!

Feeling full and happy with our accomplishments, we continued along the streets of Chinatown, along the steady crowd, firecracker smoke, and colourful architectural sights.

Got another lion along the way!

There were many kids, but this is the only one that caught my eye dressed in all her festive attire.

We took a turn into one of the narrow back streets, feeling transported into a whole new, yet visibly aged, side of Chinatown not seen directly through the gates.

At dusk the streets began to dance with light. The brightly and colourfully lit up shop signs and the overhanging lanterns illuminated the dark crowded streets. It really reminded me of Hayao Miyazaki’s scene in Spirited Away, when Chihiro just lost sight of her parents in an odd seemingly abandoned town. As the sun set, it lit up in colours of lit up lanterns, filling with spirit and lively chatter. Here people began to crowd around food stalls and side shops, munching on the savoury goodness Chinatown was eager to offer.

Lined up ducks at this fancy place specializing in Peking duck dish. Will definitely pay it a visit one day.

Lined up ducks at this fancy place specializing in Peking duck dish. Will definitely pay it a visit one day.

One of the stores had this cute display.

More firecrackers!

More firecrackers!

One more firecracker display caught on camera. I think both firecrackers and fireworks are something magical. No matter how many times you see it in your life, it always brings you back to childhood, making you feel like a kid all over again.

The day was coming to a close, so we decided to have a parting meal featuring another set of those delicious fried xiaolongbao. This time we tried another vendor priding itself on being featured on Japanese TV. Its staple set of three kinds of fried xiaolongbao was beyond amazing—a great parting meal!